Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Husband Wont Go To Church

This is something I've been dealing with and I've been seeing a lot of lately.

So, you are going to church but your husband wont go with you. It's frustrating and annoying and it can downright make you want to cry. What can you do? How do you convince him to go with you? Here are some things I've learned on my journey.

You've changed your life right? You are a whole new person. Do you act like it? Or do you only act like it on Sundays and Wednesdays? Being a Christian is a whole lot more than going to church. People should see the change in you. Your husband will see the change in you. Say you had a huge potty mouth. Every other word was an expletive deleted. Now, that you've been going to church you keep your mouth clean. Substituting better words instead of those choice curse words. Your man will see that. He will see that change in you. Maybe he'll want to change too. Be an example to your husband.

Men are a strong breed. With that said you can't force him to go. You can't force your beliefs on him. This has to be a decision he makes or it could put a strain on your marriage or he might hold a grudge against you for making him do something he doesn't want to do.
When in doubt pray. Prayer can work wonders. Pray everyday. Pray without ceasing. God wants him to church just as much as you if not more.  Ask others to pray as well. The more the better. Pray that God will speak to him.

Invite them to church. No, you don't have to send them an invitation, but it's kind of cute. :) Don't be annoying and ask every day "You going to go to church with me?" What I do, is usually on Fridays or Saturdays is I causually ask, "would you like to go to church with me?" If he says no I reply with "Invitation is always open". I try not to let him see how much it hurts.

So as a recap: Be an example, Don't force them, pray for them and invite them. I know the whole family is going but the man. I know it is awful sitting by yourself on a pew when your husband should be sitting there with you. But if you continue doing these things maybe he'll decide to go. I wish you good luck. I know it's hard. I'll pray for anyone dealing with this. :)
God Bless

Friday, April 5, 2013

My beginning... my present.. my future.

I realized I really haven't posted a bunch about me. About my husband.. about my children. It's 3:43 a.m. here in this little Tennessee town and I'm awake, so I've decided to start on it.

THE BEGINNING: My life began in 1989 on a cold December... morning or evening. my parents were never specific.. or I just can't remember. Probably the latter. However, my present life started in November of '06.

This was me. Yeah, I know.. great hair. :) (Side Note: Has anyone ever watched Ace Ventura when he says "Nobody messes with the DO!".. that's me. Don't touch my hair haha)

I was big on Myspace. (kind of like Facebook now) and for the first time I went to a local chat room. There I started talking to someone from NC since my family is from there. Some pest named Nate kept annoying me.
That was the pest.. Nate. :) So finally he told me he was getting off. However, he didn't and he ended up messaging me. Nate became one of my favorite friends. He was from one town over. So after I broke up with a guy, Nate and I decided to meet. Our dads went to school together so we figured we were good and that nothing would happen. My  mom worked at a gas station so we met there. He was mom approved. Ha..

Now he lived (at the time) about 45 minutes away. He drove all the way to my town, drove me another 20 minutes away to return some overdue library books just to bring me back and head home. Can you imagine the gas that guy wasted on me?? So, it all happened so fast. We fell in love.

Out of order, we ended up expecting a baby. On August 24, 2007, I gave birth to a baby boy named Rylan. He was 7 lbs 5 oz. And GORGEOUS!
Cute weren't we? But oh so young. Needless to say we got married on November 17, 2007. It was a beautiful wedding and I was so nervous I laughed during the entire service. You can even see my Pastor (at the time) laughing with me while my best friend and Maid of Honor was standing behind me crying. Ha. Ahh the memories. :)
There I am cheesin' it big time! At that time is was the second happiest day of my life. At seventeen I moved out of my parents and went to start my future with my own little family. Which actually grew almost two years later. On August 13, 2009, I gave birth to the sweetest, most beautiful baby girl. We named our precious Princess Emory Brielle.
Pretty cute huh? See how her hair was sticking up? It constantly stuck up for like.. 3 months haha. After her birth I had a complete family. The best of both worlds. I should have been happy right? Unfortunately, I think I was a ticking time bomb. Before I met Nate I had my fair share of problems. My parents divorced. After 14 years of marriage, they called it quits. Growing up I had gone to church. We all had. Divorce was a no-no in our beliefs. I took it hard but I kind of just let it pass.

Right before I hit sixteen, I woke up one morning hearing muffled sounds. Apparently, somehow (even seven years later we still don't know why) That was when I started losing my hearing. I'm now officially hearing impaired. The doctors told me I will eventually lose all of my hearing. After that, I kind of turned away from God. I was so upset that a girl my age would have such a life changing thing happened. I had to drop out of school, I lost all of my friends. I was completely alone. Once I again, I just let it pass.

However, a little bit after Emory graced us with her presence, I became severely depressed. All of the things I had bottled up in my past came out. Our marriage suffered horribly for 2 years because of it. We were headed for a divorce, but I looked at Nate one night and asked if he could ever forgive me. I asked him if we could start again. And this loving, wonderful man said yes.

Our kids grew, started school, and our marriage became stronger but I was still missing something. A few months ago, I realized, I was missing God. I've always loved God. I still do, but it takes more than just love. You have to believe in him. follow his word, etc. I wasn't. I didn't thank God. I didn't go to church. I didn't follow him. So thanks to a dear friend, I started going back. Our marriage has grown so much in the past few months. My life feels complete... almost. There is one more desire I want, but I have to wait until God decides its my time. (My desire is blessing #3, so If you'd like to shoot a good word to the big Man for me that would be awesome haha)

Nate and I have been married for five years. It's been wonderful yet hard. We've had our ups and downs. It's been a roller coaster. But I'm thinking if we made it through what we did, we can make it through anything. But to do that, we need God's help. His words are what will guide us through our marriage. I really believe Nate is the man God put on this earth for me. My soul mate if you will..
This is Nate and I now. Can't you just see the LOVE?!? :p (He hates having his picture taken ha)
These are my kids now. Emory is 3 and Rylan is 5. They've grown so much! I'm so excited to see what our future holds now that God is in control! With God all things are possible. Even a marriage when we didn't even think it could last. :)

I'm so blessed. My little family is my everything!
I hope you enjoyed learning a little about me, and if you have any questions feel free to ask.

All my love,