Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Husband Wont Go To Church

This is something I've been dealing with and I've been seeing a lot of lately.

So, you are going to church but your husband wont go with you. It's frustrating and annoying and it can downright make you want to cry. What can you do? How do you convince him to go with you? Here are some things I've learned on my journey.

You've changed your life right? You are a whole new person. Do you act like it? Or do you only act like it on Sundays and Wednesdays? Being a Christian is a whole lot more than going to church. People should see the change in you. Your husband will see the change in you. Say you had a huge potty mouth. Every other word was an expletive deleted. Now, that you've been going to church you keep your mouth clean. Substituting better words instead of those choice curse words. Your man will see that. He will see that change in you. Maybe he'll want to change too. Be an example to your husband.

Men are a strong breed. With that said you can't force him to go. You can't force your beliefs on him. This has to be a decision he makes or it could put a strain on your marriage or he might hold a grudge against you for making him do something he doesn't want to do.
When in doubt pray. Prayer can work wonders. Pray everyday. Pray without ceasing. God wants him to church just as much as you if not more.  Ask others to pray as well. The more the better. Pray that God will speak to him.

Invite them to church. No, you don't have to send them an invitation, but it's kind of cute. :) Don't be annoying and ask every day "You going to go to church with me?" What I do, is usually on Fridays or Saturdays is I causually ask, "would you like to go to church with me?" If he says no I reply with "Invitation is always open". I try not to let him see how much it hurts.

So as a recap: Be an example, Don't force them, pray for them and invite them. I know the whole family is going but the man. I know it is awful sitting by yourself on a pew when your husband should be sitting there with you. But if you continue doing these things maybe he'll decide to go. I wish you good luck. I know it's hard. I'll pray for anyone dealing with this. :)
God Bless

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