Monday, January 14, 2013

A woman named Ruth

I'm going to start first with Ruth because her kindness and loyalty captured me.

There was a family which included a man, his wife (Naomi), and their two sons. The man died and Naomi and the sons were left. Eventually, they both married and then died so Naomi was then left without her sons as well. They were living in Moab when they got word that the Lord was providing food for them so they started home to Judah. Naomi told the girls to go back home. Orpah (daughter in law) eventually decided to return to her family but seeing as how Naomi had lost both of her sons and her husband Ruth stayed with Naomi despite her protests.

They setteled in Bethlehem and a man named Boaz heard of Ruth's compassion. They became friends and built a strong foundation. Naomi encouraged Ruth to become Boaz's wife. Ruth trusted God and he rewarded her faithfulness by giving her a husband, a son, a grandson and a great- great grandson (David, the King of Isael)

God changed Ruth's life. In Moab she'd been a Pagen but once she knew God she became a testimony and completely faithful to him. He blessed her in many ways and she believed God was faithful to his children and that he'd work his plan in their lives. She's even in the lineage of Jesus.

Ruth's compassion, strength, loyalty and faith are some of the things that appealed to me and made me list her as one of the Strong Women of God.

Hebrews 11:6 says: And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

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