Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Through Generations

Lois and Eunice

I'll let you know now they aren't mentioned too much and only mentioned by name one time in the Bible. However, after you read this you'll realize why I chose to add them to my list!

Lois was Eunice's mother and Eunice was Timothy's mother. Eunice was a Jew and Timothy's father was a Greek. She was a believer and since he was Greek he probably wasn't (back in those times). There is nothing else said about his father. Since nothing else was said about his father some believe that Lois was a single mother and that these two women raised him themselves!

2 Timothy 1:5 Paul says in his letter to Timothy "I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and I am persuaded now lives in you also.

According to Paul's letters to Timothy, he had an amazing faith from a young child which was likely passed from these two Godly women. They shared their love of God with him and made Timothy the man he was.

Where do we get our qualities from (or where are we supposed to?) Our parents. They should instill their love of God in their children like Lois did to Eunice and Eunice did to Timothy.

Children should be brought up with this kind of faith. It is our job as mothers (parents) to teach them and show them the beauty of our Lord. Give your child this love for God. Have teaching skills such as these two amazing women did. If your parents taught you about God give them a "Thank you" because I honestly don't even want to think about what my life would be like without the love of God. :)

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