Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mary Magdalene -She was always there

She's one of my favorite women!! Really.
Jesus made seven demons that possessed her come out. She then became a devoted follower.

She and other women followed Jesus to Galilee to the cross to care for his needs. When Jesus was nailed to the cross guess what... She was there!

She was there when Joseph wrapped the body of Jesus after his death and put it in the tomb.

She and Mary (mother of Jesus) went to the tomb the day of his ressurection. It was empty except for two angels. She cried and they told her Jesus had risen. She turned and saw Jesus but because a case of mistaken identity made her think it was a gardener. When she realized it was Jesus he told her to go tell the others. -John 20: 1-10

So, from all I have read about Mary Magdalene is simple. She was there in an important part in Jesus' life and death. She was possessed with demons yet when they were gone, she travelled with Jesus.

No matter what you did in your past, in your present and future you have the chance to believe and ask forgiveness. So that one day you too can see Jesus in Heaven. I mean, how amazing is it that Jesus talked to Mary. Face to Face. Something none of us can do at the moment.

This is why I like Mary Magdalene. She was the kind of woman we could all be like. A devoted follower.

I'd like to suggest a book as well. This book is called Maggie's Story. It's based on what the life of Mary Magdalene would have been like if she lived in current times.

Hope you've enjoyed my first two blogs on women in the Bible!


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