Friday, March 29, 2013

In Memory: Life Is Fragile

 I'm going to warn you now. This is not my usual post. (I will continue the Seven Deadly Sins series next week) This story touched my heart. I hope it touches yours as well.
This is Katelyn Norman. She was a fourteen year old girl who had been suffering from bone cancer for two years. When her disease took a turn for the worse, she made out a "bucket list". On her list of things she wanted to do before the cancer took her was: Go to prom, visit Italy, a day with each of her siblings and more.

Katelyn was from Campbell County in Tennessee. That's about fifteen minutes away from me if traffic is okay. I'm not making any claims to fame as I did not know her personally. I first noticed her while I was browsing a photography page that I am a fan of on Facebook. This photographer had taken amazing pictures of her and I was blown away by her beauty! Then not too long afterwards I started hearing about her making the bucket list and I realized she didn't have much time left.

The town she lived in got together and held a prom for her. Unfortunately, she'd been having problems breathing that day and ended up at the hospital. That didn't faze this community. Her friends and her date brought the prom to her.

This morning however, she did pass. She has left behind inspiration. I've read that people who saw her never saw her pitying herself. I think I would be having a non-stop pity-party for myself. As sad as that sounds that's how some of us are.

Life is fragile. People take advantage of it and put things off thinking they have so much time left. Katelyn didn't have time left. She wanted so much to go to prom.. which for most of us (excluding me, I was homeschooled and didn't have a prom) is something that we automatically expect to do.

You hear the arguments when something like this happens. God gave her cancer, blah.. blah.. blah. God doesn't GIVE you cancer. I believe diseases and such is the Devil's work. Why would God exclaim how much he loves us, send his son to die on the cross for us just to give us a disease that eats at you. Simply put.. He doesn't. God wants us to live life to the fullest while obeying him. He wants us to be happy. What hurts us hurts God worse. What makes us smile, puts a smile on God's face.

God gained a beautiful girl on Good Friday of all days. He put her on this earth for a reason and I think it was to leave her in our hearts. I may not have known Katelyn Norman but she is in my heart. Instead of crying and complaining about trivial things, let's stop and think for a moment.. At least you are alive. (For the record I'm not saying everything to others is trivial. In my opinion things that are trivial to others are HUGE to you)

For those of you who are fighting or have survived cancer, I respect you to the fullest I can respect anyone! It's such a terrible disease. My own grandmother died of Leukemia and it hurt me a lot and when I look at my children I think of how happy my grandma would be if she could see them and spend time with them.  Then again I think of how much she suffered and how she's looking down on her family that has grown so much.

Katelyn may have been in pain most of the two years of fighting cancer, but she's out of pain now. She's in a better place. Those left behind are hurting, but remember she's with you and she's with all of us who care about her.

Please keep Katelyn's family in your prayers as they go through this grieving process. They lost their little girl, sister, friend today.


**photo courtesy of

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Seven Deadly Sins... What does the Bible say? Part 1

This is going to be a two-part post. Part one will consist of gluttony, envy and wrath. Part two will be lust, pride, greed and sloth. I hope you enjoy what I've researched. I've enjoyed learning about it. The Seven Deadly Sins may not be in the Bible themselves but they are all sins.. and some of them some of us do everyday.
The seven deadly sins are not described in the Bible. Most of the sins could actually be listed under one of these headings. This list of sins are no more worse than all of the others. Back in the 6th century, Pope Gregory  the Great listed these as "Deadly sins".
Proverbs 6:16-19 is the closest thing that the Bible lists.
There are six things the LORD hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community"

                              Proverbs 6:16-19

Confusion Created:

Many people list these as the "unforgivable sins". If these sins were unforgiveable then most people wouldn't be forgiven. Even without think we, as humans sin. We may be envious, get angry, become prideful or even be greedy.

There is only one unforgiveable sin which I'll explain in a little bit. :)


*Gluttony- (this is weird and honestly I never really thought much about it..) Overeating.. Which is actually just getting too much of a good thing. (at least that's what it seems to me) Proverbs 23:20-21 tells us "Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.”
Not being able to control your eating habits is another way of saying, if you can't control your eating habits, you can't control your other habits such as:

  • Covetness
  • Lust
  • Hate
  • Drugs
  • Drinking
  • Smoking

Envy:  Most everyone has been envious at some point (I sure have) whether your friend got some really cute new clothes, or your brother got an awesome new car. Yes, that stuff is great but you should be grateful for what you do have because more than likely you have more than others. Galations 5:21 says:

envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you just as I have forewarned you that those who practice such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 

Beware of the green-eyed monster called jealousy.

Wrath:  Wrath is an uncontrollable rage and it's a sin because rage at another person could lead to harm of someone, and harming someone is most definitely not something God wants us to do. We are to control our anger. I think when you are full of anger it's easier for the Devil to get in your heart and control you. It's easier for him to whisper to do bad things to others. The Bible says to be slow to anger. Proverbs 29:22 says:

A man of wrath stirs up strife, and one given to anger causes much transgression.   

Everyone becomes angry or upset sometimes. I do. Want to know what helps me? Usually if I start feeling anger rise in me I say a quick pray for help. I feel a peace in my heart like something washed it away. :) There is no greater feeling than knowing God is in your heart.       

This is the end of part 1 and I really hope you've learned something. When you start feeling or thinking these things, all you have to do is pray. God doesn't want you to do any of these. He wants you to be full of kindness, love, helpfulness. He will help you if you only just ask him.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Faithful Children

I have no greater joy then to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
                                                                                                    3 John 1:4

After my children are grown, I hope there is one thing they always remember. I don't want them saying. "Oh yeah, my mom was awesome. She let me do whatever." or something like that. I want them to tell others "My mom was a godly woman and she handed me down her faith".

Having my children walk the path of righteousness for the rest of their life is the one thing I want most in the world. When I see how faithful to God my children are, I will know I have done a job well done.

Currently, my kiddos are ages 5 and 3. They are still young and don't really understand faith but they know who God is. It is up to us, as parents, to make sure they know who God is and what he wants of us.

My parents made sure I grew up in church. Sure, as a teenager I've made a ton of mistakes but after having children I realized how wrong I was. If I want them to grow up to be good people, I need to instill God's love in them.

There are many ways to keep your child (even a young child) spiritual:
  • Pray. Pray with your children. Before school, during the day, before bed.
  • Read the Bible to your children. Make it fun! Tell the story of David and Goliath and show them something small overcoming something big!
  • Be an example to your children. Show them how you live on a day to day bases.
~*Story Time*~
There was a band I LOVED and I listened to all the time. They are a secular band (I wont name any names) My son started learning the words to one of their songs. When they dropped the *F-bomb* so did he. I about wrecked my car when I heard that foul word come out of his sweet little mouth. I quit listening to secular music and now a Christian station plays at all times. In fact my son's favorite song is "Steal My Show" by Toby Mac. He can sing the entire chorus.
  • Keep your kids in a Godly environment. Let your children hang out with those from Church.
  • Watch Family films. (My kids are Veggie Tales fanatics. In fact, that's the theme for their birthday this year)

Most of all teach your children to have morals, be modest, and be caring. Maybe as a family you can chose a day during the weekend (especially since summer vacation is coming up) to as a family to volunteer. You all can pick up trash. (as long as you don't wear jumpsuits you shouldn't be mistaken as prisoners) Volunteer at a nursing home or with special needs children. God put us on this earth to help one another. That's something the kids should know and if you were to volunteer that would set a wonderful example for your child. If you think your child is too young for any of this explain to your child about how there are many kids in this world who don't have toys or books and maybe once a week, every two weeks or once a month, have your child pick out one toy they don't play with or one book and donate it to a needy child.

If all else fails, get down on your knees and pray and ask God how to show your child about him. That's what he is here for. To help us.

The best thing you can do is start early!

Good Luck and God Bless

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
                                                                                                Proverbs 22:6

Monday, March 18, 2013

Easter time's 'A comin'

Not very Easter-y is it? :) Easter isn't about all bunnies and cute things. When you get right down to it, it's about Jesus being violently murdered yet coming back again the third day. But I still thought the picture was pretty awesome!
Now, what I actually wanted to share was Easter baskets!! Haha. I know right? I just get done talking about how Easter isn't about bunnies and eggs and end up talking about Easter baskets...I have a point though!! I promise!
Every year I make an Easter basket for my kids. I think the pre-made ones are too cheap and while I'm all about being cheap I just think my kids deserve to play with something that takes more than an hour to break. However, I stick toys and a chocolate bunny and some candy in them.
Now I'm admitting all of my life I have loved and believed in God. But you know how people call themselves a Christian but when you see them on a day other than Sunday you couldn't tell that they were Christians? Yes, it takes more to being a Christian than going to church and believing in God. You actually have to act like one. I have hopes that those who knew me before can see how much I've changed. I quit going to church and yes, I said a ton of bad words and honestly you couldn't tell that I believed in God from my actions. I've changed sooo much! My life it totally devoted to God now. Before I do anything I pray and if it seems like God is saying "You probably shouldn't do that, do this instead" I listen. And it's made my life so much better. With God being front and center in my life my marriage has gone from completely headed downhill to amazing!! My husband and I get along so much better and we are now truly happy. :)
Well, I'm in the process of trying to incorporate God in my children's life. And that means changing the meaning of Easter for them. Luckily, they are still young. :) At Christmas I pounded in their heads that Christmas is about Jesus NOT Santa. While Santa is awesome in his own way Jesus is like 800 bajillion gazillion times better! So instead of a bunch of cars and Barbie dolls I've decided to put Bibles in their baskets. My kids don't own Bibles yet. I thought they were too young but I've been told to go ahead and buy Bibles for them and read to them. I'm thinking it's a pretty good idea.

Also going in the Easter baskets will be a Veggie Tales movie and I've seen some cute Christian based Easter books at my local Christian bookstore. I think a chocolate bunny will still be added because chocolate is awesome! Haha.

I'm seriously convinced the end of times is near. And I want my family ready for that day! I explained to my kids today (they are 3 and 5 by the way) about Heaven. We were making those black cord bracelets with the different colored beads that have different meanings. We put the gold beads on and I told them that the streets are gold rather than grey and that there is no sickness, no tears, no pain. They seemed excited about that.

We've been listening to a song by Building 429 the past few days that I finally sat down and actually listened to the lyrics. (Lyrics above)
And after listening to it, I realized it's so true. This world is NOT my home. This world is my "in between" My home is in Heaven with Jesus.
I really can't wait for that day!!
Can you?

Friday, March 15, 2013

I Do.. or Do You?

When two people love each other, they get married. This day and age they fall "out" of love and end up divorced. I still wonder if they were ever in love. In 2012, 3.4 people out of 1000 ended their relationship through divorce. That's a pretty good number. I'm pretty sure some people don't realize that marriage between two people is a hard job. Spending the rest of your life with that person, well.. it's going to be difficult.

If you are going through a difficult relationship, considering divorced or getting ready to marry the love of your life read through these tips. They really help with marriage!

**First off in your marriage you both should put God first.
In everything you do put God first and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success. Proverbs 3:6
**Pray together
Confess your thoughts one to another and pray for one another that ye may be healed. James 5:16

**Never go to bed angry
In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry Ephesians 4:26

**Be quick to forgive and forget
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

**As parents, present a unified front to the children
Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. Matthew 12:25

**Here is a biggie**

**Do not let a relationship with your parents become too important! I love my mom and my dad. I'm sure you do too but I've learned (kind of) that my husband doesn't like when I choose to take my parents advice over his. Or I wont agree to do something because my parents think it's a bad idea. I still have to  keep it in check. I think...or hope I'm getting better about that.
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh. -Genesis 2:24

Next I want to say: Read your Bible. All of the above tips are straight out of the Bible. It's is your roadmap to a Godly, successful marriage.

My marriage is not perfect. I'm in no way claiming that. We've only been married five short years. (Feels like forever at times though haha) These are just tips I've been told and I practice them with my husband. Like I said before a marriage is work. You go through many different obstacles and have so many path options to take. My advice?? Hold on to it. Don't be so quick to leave your spouse. If I didn't put God in my marriage, we probably wouldn't be together still. We both have our faults and there are times I just want to run away, but I hold on because I know we can work through it and the future holds better things for us.

I hope if you are reading this and you are in a serious relationship but feel like you are missing something. You probably are. You are probably missing out on God being included in your marriage. Try these tips. There is also marriage counseling.  One little fight shouldn't end a life-long marriage.

My husband and I have been through a LOT of rough patches. It's been more down hill than up hill but I grew up and realized I have to put effort into being married. Life isn't a fairy tale. (it would be so awesome if it was!) You can't just get married one day and expect it to fall into place perfectly. Like with everything else in life you have to work at it. But the harder you work the more successful and rewarding it will be. :)

I hope you've enjoyed this post. I enjoyed going through tips and picking out tips that I know work.

~*A thank you*~
A big thank you to my husband. I know I'm grouchy, whiney and VERY needy but you look past it and see the good parts of me. You are my rock and you keep me grounded. Thank you for putting up with me. :)

To those of you in a marriage remember to read the Bible because it will show you the way. Good luck!

What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. -Mark 10:9

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Cross

Here comes Peter Cottontail....

But wait, is that what Easter is all about? Like Christmas is all about Santa?

Answer: Nope. Thought not.

We are getting closer to Easter. Yes, the Easter bunny is supposed to be making an appearance. (Which honestly an Easter Bunny seems scary to me. I've always pictured it as a GINORMOUS bunny rabbit hopping around with eggs flying everywhere!) I've always had a vivid imagination. Or so my mom says.

Anyways, back to the point. We associate Easter with a bunny. But what is most important is it is coming up on the day Jesus was crucified on a cross for our sins. So we could be forgiven. Is there anyone else who loves this time as well? Jesus was HUNG on a CROSS and left for dead. And then again (Easter Sunday) 3 days after the day he died, he rose from the dead.

My pastor made an awesome point one Sunday. Everyone makes the cross out to be something beautiful. It's not. It held our Savior as he died. He was nailed to it! It may not be beautiful but to me what it represents is beautiful.

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do."

This is found in Luke 23:24. Jesus is asking for forgiveness for us. He's not shouting and denying his father. He's not asking him why? He's asking God to forgive us, because we don't know what we are doing. Forgive those that nailed him to the cross, because they don't know what they were doing. To whom they were doing it to.

We should feel so lucky to have a man like that watching over us. Perfect Love is what God has for us. It's amazing. It's pure, honest, perfect love.

Jesus died and was put in a tomb with a rock tolled in front of the entrance. Three days later Mary Magdalene (remember her? A sinner who became one of Jesus's most devoted followers?) saw an angel who told her that Jesus has risen! Our Jesus rose from the dead!! Can Peter Cottontail? Take a bit and thank Jesus for dying for your, our sins. Because that's what makes his love even greater. He died for you!!

Lead me to the cross, where your love poured out.
Bring me to my knees, Lord I lay me down.
Rid me of myself, I belong to you.
Lord lead me to the cross.