When two people love each other, they get married. This day and age they fall "out" of love and end up divorced. I still wonder if they were ever in love. In 2012, 3.4 people out of 1000 ended their relationship through divorce. That's a pretty good number. I'm pretty sure some people don't realize that marriage between two people is a hard job. Spending the rest of your life with that person, well.. it's going to be difficult.
If you are going through a difficult relationship, considering divorced or getting ready to marry the love of your life read through these tips. They really help with marriage!
**First off in your marriage you both should put God first.
In everything you do put God first and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success. Proverbs 3:6
**Pray together
Confess your thoughts one to another and pray for one another that ye may be healed. James 5:16
**Never go to bed angry
In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry Ephesians 4:26
**Be quick to forgive and forget
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
**As parents, present a unified front to the children
Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. Matthew 12:25
**Here is a biggie**
**Do not let a relationship with your parents become too important! I love my mom and my dad. I'm sure you do too but I've learned (kind of) that my husband doesn't like when I choose to take my parents advice over his. Or I wont agree to do something because my parents think it's a bad idea. I still have to keep it in check. I think...or hope I'm getting better about that.
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh. -Genesis 2:24
Next I want to say: Read your Bible. All of the above tips are straight out of the Bible. It's is your roadmap to a Godly, successful marriage.
My marriage is not perfect. I'm in no way claiming that. We've only been married five short years. (Feels like forever at times though haha) These are just tips I've been told and I practice them with my husband. Like I said before a marriage is work. You go through many different obstacles and have so many path options to take. My advice?? Hold on to it. Don't be so quick to leave your spouse. If I didn't put God in my marriage, we probably wouldn't be together still. We both have our faults and there are times I just want to run away, but I hold on because I know we can work through it and the future holds better things for us.
I hope if you are reading this and you are in a serious relationship but feel like you are missing something. You probably are. You are probably missing out on God being included in your marriage. Try these tips. There is also marriage counseling. One little fight shouldn't end a life-long marriage.
My husband and I have been through a LOT of rough patches. It's been more down hill than up hill but I grew up and realized I have to put effort into being married. Life isn't a fairy tale. (it would be so awesome if it was!) You can't just get married one day and expect it to fall into place perfectly. Like with everything else in life you have to work at it. But the harder you work the more successful and rewarding it will be. :)
I hope you've enjoyed this post. I enjoyed going through tips and picking out tips that I know work.
~*A thank you*~
A big thank you to my husband. I know I'm grouchy, whiney and VERY needy but you look past it and see the good parts of me. You are my rock and you keep me grounded. Thank you for putting up with me. :)
To those of you in a marriage remember to read the Bible because it will show you the way. Good luck!
What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. -Mark 10:9
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