Monday, March 18, 2013

Easter time's 'A comin'

Not very Easter-y is it? :) Easter isn't about all bunnies and cute things. When you get right down to it, it's about Jesus being violently murdered yet coming back again the third day. But I still thought the picture was pretty awesome!
Now, what I actually wanted to share was Easter baskets!! Haha. I know right? I just get done talking about how Easter isn't about bunnies and eggs and end up talking about Easter baskets...I have a point though!! I promise!
Every year I make an Easter basket for my kids. I think the pre-made ones are too cheap and while I'm all about being cheap I just think my kids deserve to play with something that takes more than an hour to break. However, I stick toys and a chocolate bunny and some candy in them.
Now I'm admitting all of my life I have loved and believed in God. But you know how people call themselves a Christian but when you see them on a day other than Sunday you couldn't tell that they were Christians? Yes, it takes more to being a Christian than going to church and believing in God. You actually have to act like one. I have hopes that those who knew me before can see how much I've changed. I quit going to church and yes, I said a ton of bad words and honestly you couldn't tell that I believed in God from my actions. I've changed sooo much! My life it totally devoted to God now. Before I do anything I pray and if it seems like God is saying "You probably shouldn't do that, do this instead" I listen. And it's made my life so much better. With God being front and center in my life my marriage has gone from completely headed downhill to amazing!! My husband and I get along so much better and we are now truly happy. :)
Well, I'm in the process of trying to incorporate God in my children's life. And that means changing the meaning of Easter for them. Luckily, they are still young. :) At Christmas I pounded in their heads that Christmas is about Jesus NOT Santa. While Santa is awesome in his own way Jesus is like 800 bajillion gazillion times better! So instead of a bunch of cars and Barbie dolls I've decided to put Bibles in their baskets. My kids don't own Bibles yet. I thought they were too young but I've been told to go ahead and buy Bibles for them and read to them. I'm thinking it's a pretty good idea.

Also going in the Easter baskets will be a Veggie Tales movie and I've seen some cute Christian based Easter books at my local Christian bookstore. I think a chocolate bunny will still be added because chocolate is awesome! Haha.

I'm seriously convinced the end of times is near. And I want my family ready for that day! I explained to my kids today (they are 3 and 5 by the way) about Heaven. We were making those black cord bracelets with the different colored beads that have different meanings. We put the gold beads on and I told them that the streets are gold rather than grey and that there is no sickness, no tears, no pain. They seemed excited about that.

We've been listening to a song by Building 429 the past few days that I finally sat down and actually listened to the lyrics. (Lyrics above)
And after listening to it, I realized it's so true. This world is NOT my home. This world is my "in between" My home is in Heaven with Jesus.
I really can't wait for that day!!
Can you?

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